Adds a choropleth map layer for provinces with additional customization options.
Adds a choropleth map layer for provinces with additional customization options.
adcode = NULL,
provinceName = NULL,
layerId = NULL,
group = NULL,
valueProperty = NULL,
labelProperty = NULL,
labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(),
popupProps = NULL,
popupOptions = leaflet::popupOptions(),
scale = c("white", "red"),
steps = 5,
mode = "q",
channelMode = c("rgb", "lab", "hsl", "lch"),
padding = NULL,
correctLightness = FALSE,
bezierInterpolate = FALSE,
colors = NULL,
stroke = TRUE,
color = "#ffffff",
weight = 1,
opacity = 0.5,
fillOpacity = 0.7,
dashArray = NULL,
smoothFactor = 1,
noClip = FALSE,
pathOptions = leaflet::pathOptions(),
highlightOptions = leaflet::highlightOptions(weight = 2, color = "#000000", fillOpacity
= 1, opacity = 1, bringToFront = TRUE, sendToBack = TRUE),
legendOptions = NULL,
- map
The leaflet map object to add the layer to.
- data
A data frame containing the data to be visualized.
- adcode
China administrative division code
- provinceName
A string specifying the column name in the data frame that corresponds to the province names.
- layerId
An optional string to identify the layer.
- group
An optional string for grouping data.
- valueProperty
The property in the geojson data that corresponds to the value to be mapped.
- labelProperty
The property in the geojson data that will be used for labels.
- labelOptions
Options for labels, defaults to leaflet's labelOptions.
- popupProps
A named vector of properties to display in the popup.
- popupOptions
Options for popups, defaults to leaflet's popupOptions.
- scale
A vector of colors to use for the scale of the choropleth map.
- steps
The number of steps for the color scale.
- mode
The mode for the color scale, can be "q" for quantile, "e" for equal interval, etc.
- channelMode
The color channel mode, can be "rgb", "lab", "hsl", or "lch".
- padding
Optional padding for the choropleth layer.
- correctLightness
A logical value to correct lightness for color scales.
- bezierInterpolate
Whether to use bezier interpolation for the lines.
- colors
An optional vector of colors to override the default color scale.
- stroke
Whether to draw the stroke along the paths.
- color
The color for the paths, defaults to white.
- weight
The weight for the paths.
- opacity
The opacity for the paths.
- fillOpacity
The fill opacity for the paths.
- dashArray
An optional array to create dashed lines.
- smoothFactor
A factor to smooth the factor for the paths.
- noClip
Whether to disable clipping of the paths.
- pathOptions
Additional options for the paths, defaults to leaflet's pathOptions.
- highlightOptions
Options for highlighting features, defaults to leaflet's highlightOptions.
- legendOptions
Options for the legend.
- ...
Additional arguments passed to other functions.
# Plot using province name, match using first two words of field
data <- data.frame(name = leafletZH::china_province$name, value = runif(34))
backg <- htmltools::tags$style(".leaflet-container { background: #000; }")
leaflet() |>
data = data, provinceName = "name", valueProperty = "value",
popupProps = c("value")
) |>
setView(lng = 110, lat = 40, zoom = 4) |>
# Use adcode to match, adcode can be obtained in leafletZH::china_province
data <- data.frame(adcode = seq(110000, 150000, 10000), value = runif(5))
leaflet() |>
leafletZH::addTilesAmap() |>
data = data, adcode = "adcode", valueProperty = "value",
popupProps = c("value")
) |>
setView(lng = 110, lat = 40, zoom = 4)